Tips for Teachers
Dyspraxia can present many different symptoms, like the ability to plan sequences of movement. It affects about 6% of the population, and is more likely in boys than girls.
Although Dyspraxia cannot be ‘treated’, teachers can help children to manage their symptoms.
1. Seat the child near the front of the class.
2. Slowly give instructions and repeat if required. The more succinct the instructions the better. Break the instructions into steps and have them write them down.
3. Positive reinforcement and encouragement are very important.
4. Allow more time for tasks to be completed.
5. If the material needs to be copied, do so from a written handout rather than from the board.
6. Order and organization are important. Promote the use of folders to keep material together.
7. Help younger students or those with fine motor symptoms like cutting and writing.
8. Break up the day with short bursts of physical activity. This can greatly help concentration and relieve stress.
9. Promote good posture.
10. Feedback can be very helpful but it is also important to be constructive rather than critical.
11. Use various writing aids to help your students with writing tasks.