Accelerate your path to successful clinical trials

Gain invaluable insights to optimize drug development with an adaptable digital platform that provides high-quality data about trials’ participants from Phase I to Phase III

Clinical trials encounter several challenges

The escalating costs of drug development emphasize the importance of timely decisions

Dropouts and slow patient recruitment are affecting data quality and trial timelines

Traditional assessments lack the sensitivity needed to understand complex conditions

Clinical trials need a technology-based approach that use R&D data to inform rapid decision making

We support your trial participants by closely evaluating any progress in their condition and disease symptoms compared to baseline measurements. By integrating a digital platform into your clinical pipeline, digital objective assessments and ePROMs will be delivered remotely to measure safety, efficacy, and drug’s effectiveness compared to standard treatments or a placebo.

Our cross-disease, multi-symptom platform technology, Colbolt©, requires no additional hardware and provides the broadest reach on the market across iOS and Android devices to capture high-quality data.

Integrate Colbolt© into your trials to gain the insights needed to advance your asset to market

Up to 40% reduction in costs related to managing logistics

70% patients retention over 12 months for
high-quality data

5-fold increase in data precision to support your clinical trial

Cross-Disease Applicability with a
Multi Symptom Focus

The Beats Medical Colbolt© platform can be deployed for a variety of CNS and rare conditions, targeting the most common symptoms with digital assessments that measure highly-engaged patients through their smartphones




QoL / ePROMs / Wellbeing

Trusted by

Integrate Colbolt© in your clinical trial



increase in physical activity

Facilitates impactful behavioural changes



increase in data precison

Generates more precise data than traditional assessments




Greater sensitivity than any other solution in detecting mobility impairements



retention rate

Promotes high patient engagement and adherence over long periods